What is the Microwave treatments

MiraDry® is a device that uses electromagnetic microwaves to vaporize and eliminate the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands of the armpits. It was the first device to obtain FDA approval for the definitive treatment of Axillary Hyperhidrosis.

Description of the procedure

It only takes two sessions, each lasting one hour, so that the patient is definitively free from all the discomfort caused by excessive sweating in the armpits. And in many cases, the result is immediate.

The device will be positioned over the outlined areas and the waves will be triggered. The doctor will delimit the areas in the armpits where the device will be used. After the demarcation, local anesthesia is applied so that the procedure goes without pain.

The device will be positioned over the outlined areas and the waves will be triggered. The intense heat will act on the inner layers of the skin and the glands will be vaporized. On the outside, MiraDry® generates a cold layer, thus avoiding the possibility of any abrasion that causes discomfort to the patient. The patient can return to their daily activities on the same day.

Microwaves also destroy the apocrine glands, responsible for the characteristic odor of excess sweating in the armpits. The hair in these regions is also destroyed during applications, improving the aesthetic part of these regions of the body.

Microwave application is safe, there are no reports of side effects and it is the most recommended therapy by doctors around the world, thanks to the almost absolute percentage of cases successfully treated.
MiraDry® is a safe treatment, without contraindications, made on the surface of the skin and is considered worldwide as the definitive solution for Axillary Hyperhidrosis.
Applications are made in a doctor’s office, eliminating the need for hospitalization. Regarding work activity, after two days the patient will be able to return to work.
Microwave application is safe, there are no reports of side effects and it is the most recommended therapy by doctors around the world, thanks to the almost absolute percentage of cases successfully treated.
MiraDry® is a safe treatment, without contraindications, made on the surface of the skin and is considered worldwide as the definitive solution for Axillary Hyperhidrosis.
Applications are made in a doctor’s office, eliminating the need for hospitalization. Regarding work activity, after two days the patient will be able to return to work.
› 90min
› Local
› Ambulatory
Sick leave
› 2 days
› 2 days
Inhibition of physical activity
1 week

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